What Shouldn’t You Say in Sales: “Did You Get My Message?”

What Shouldn’t You Say in Sales: “Did You Get My Message?”

8 Jul, 2018

Successful medical sales reps and managers typically keep a mental list of things NOT to do and say while interacting with clients and contacts. Some of these are obvious (For example: lean away from sensitive topics in the news, and if you have an opportunity to comment on your client’s bald spot, let that opportunity pass). But others are a bit more subtle. As a sales manager or coach, keep an eye on your sales reps and let them know when their messages are sending the wrong signal. Here’s one key phrase that newer and less experienced reps might not recognize as a no-fly-zone: “Did you get my message?”

If you overhear these words during a phone call or intercept them in an email, consider this a teaching moment. Let your rep know why these seemingly innocent words can do more harm than good.

If you must ask, the answer is no.

In the modern business world, it’s usually safe to assume that nobody gets any messages, ever. Everyone walks into the office each morning to a full mailbox, and very few of us manage to stay on top of our incoming email and voicemail. When we return from a vacation the deluge is even more unmanageable, and this is just one of the realities of a busy life and a demanding job. So, the person did not get your message. If you have their ear right now, just reiterate the content of said message. Start in the present and just move on.

It sounds desperate.

A sales rep’s persona and demeanor can make or break the success of their career. In some industries, “personas” are merely decorative and have no impact on one’s ability to do the job. But in sales, subtle cues and clues that signal confidence and reliability can mean the difference between thriving and stumbling. Coach your reps to avoid statements that come off as uncertain, needy, or lacking faith in the value of the product.

Make each contact meaningful.

Since contact with a client can be fleeting and difficult to obtain, make the most of each second you spend with that person. Make sure the interaction holds value and supports the relationship. From hello to goodbye, make the moment count and try to add value where they remember your conversation in the days and weeks ahead.

They got the message, they just didn’t respond.

Let the person off the hook if they got your message and simply haven’t responded. Nobody likes to be subtly accused of bad behavior, and nobody likes to find themselves fumbling for excuses just to be polite. Don’t push the person into having to apologize. They have nothing to apologize for. Just pick up the thread of the conversation and move forward.

Work with a top healthcare sales recruiter.

Are you looking for the top medical sales representatives to join your team? Contact the team of medical sales recruiters at Buckman Enochs Coss and Associates and work with one of the top 50 retained healthcare and life science recruiting firms in America.